BUCS Preview: St Andrews vs Edinburgh

St Andrews
Are they closer to full strength today? Will they pull together to get their hunt for a div 1 spot back on track?
- “They are both coming out of some poor performances and looking to turn things around. Will be a scrappy hard fought game.”
- “As long as #godeeponGabe is listened to, Saints will have no bother”
- “4 turn overs within the first point.”
- “Saints confused HW and Ro Sham for each other, will rectify it by pulling it together after trading points winning by 6. Ro Sham to go into hiding while HW take control of the city, an incredible recruitment drive follows and HW have a mixed team for next season”
Saints hold no surprises for this team and they’ll see the last two defeats as wobbles against strong teams.
- “For some reason saints will manage to keep this close before Gabe issues team orders and allows Edinburgh to pull through.”
- “Oscar will be so pumped up that he will lose it and try to rip off his own shoe if he fucks up”
- “This game is gonna be messy. Turnover town”
- Predicted winning margin: 3 points
Key influencers:
- “Gabe to call disc space on Hannes, Hannes to call travel on Gabe, game suspended as Hannes spanks Gabe in anger” – Ed: We think maybe this person forgot they were doing an actual game prediction and slipped into a private fantasy.
- “The Flatball Old Folks Home to beat actual Flatball handily, Jack Lynch to go supernova but to no avail.”
Take away message:
Hard fought, but Edinburgh have more to give.
- “This game has a surprising amount of history. St Andrew’s vs Edinburgh is always close, no matter the teams’ forms. Edinburgh have beaten them indoors and Saints are missing more players, but both teams will pull it out their arses for a solid game in the mud.”
Good luck to both teams!