BUCS Preview: Glasgow vs St Andrews

The second match in week 4 is regarded as a much cagier encounter with predictions being decidedly more circumspect. While the majority have opted for a Far Flung win most agree that whichever way it goes it won’t be by much.
Leaning westward
Both teams are suffering a little this year from player turnover through graduation but Glasgow have arguably retained a few more “Big Names”. Play will be dictated by the ones you know but the real key is if they can manage the game to get the best out of the ones you don’t.
- “Going to be a close game. But as long as Glasgow learn from the mistakes of their neighbours (lol) then they will close out the game in the second half.”
- “i heard glasgow has all the world players. go glasgowww”
- Editor:Yes, all the worlds players. All 2 of them.
- Predicted winning margin: 3 points
Saints to go marching in?
St Andrews had a second team in the league last year and that experience could be influential in a year where they are looking for people to step up. Will they manage to get the job done with a few rising/returning stars and a legion of competent?
- “Everyone will play in trousers until 11-11, then they will change to shorts when it gets serious and saints will take it 13-12”
- Predicted winning margin: 2 points
Too close to call?
- “5 minute long universe point”
- “Spirit time out called in the game.”
- “No spirit timeouts to be called”
- “both are chumps”
Key influencers:
- “Joel Terry with a layout score or D”
- “Is Jack Lynch back for st Andys?”
- “Is the glasgow player with the really long hair still at uni?”
- Editor:No. Alan has graduated and is pursuing other opportunities.
- “Gabe to be present spectating.”
- “Benji will walk on during universe point and cite a minor infraction by Sam Finlay. Sam will then raj so hard Joel has to go off to calm him down and Jack Lynch carries the Saints to a win.”
Take away message:
- “Will depend on whether Saints depth can triumph over Glasgow’s limited top players”
Good luck to both teams!