Talent of the North – Great Britain under-24 Open

by Elise Camilleri-Brennan
The Summer of 2023 was a very exciting one for a group of Scottish* under-24 ultimate frisbee players, jetting off to lovely Nottingham for the World u-24 Championships.
Our second installment in this series is here! Jonny Evans and Gregor Forster represented the Great Britain u24 Open squad this Summer. Keep reading for their insights into the experience.
* not all are Scottish-nationals, but they were all based in Scotland at the time of playing, and that’s enough for us.
What team(s) did you play for during the 2023 season?
Jonny – University of Edinburgh and Alba.
Gregor – Strathclyde University and Alba.
When did you start playing Ultimate, and why?
Jonny – 2021 when I joined university. I wanted to play rugby, but I had too many concussions. I stumbled across ultimate and became hooked.
Gregor – In 2019 when I started studying at Strathclyde. I was walking around the sports fayre and recognised Ian Tait at the ultimate stand. He managed to sweet-talk me into giving it a shot.

Why did you trial for GBu24?
Jonny – I was told it would be a good opportunity to experience high level ultimate at the trials. I had no hopes of getting past the first set of Scottish trials.
Gregor – I heard they were doing a Scottish trial and thought it would be a good opportunity to test myself. Then it just went from there.
What did you do when you found out you made the squad?
Jonny – I could not believe it. I was fully expecting to have had no chance of making the squad. I ran around my flat and all my flat mates were gassing me up.
Gregor – A lot of smiling. I found out when I was writing my dissertation so it definitely improved my mood!
What was training like?
Jonny – Travel was a bit of a headache. As the only two Scottish players, we did have to put in extra money and time to be able to train. However, the intensity of the sessions were amazing, and having players in the squad who can just throw anything was so novel to me. I loved the attitude of the squad and our relationship with the coaches.
Gregor – Training involved a lot of travelling which was a bit frustrating. But the actual training was class. A good balance between high intensity and having a laugh.
Tell us your highest highlight.
Jonny – Going 2 breaks up against USA in the opening game of the tourney on the show pitch in front of family and friends.
Gregor – Playing against the US in our first game. Although we lost, there was a fantastic atmosphere and I think we put on a pretty respectable performance.

Which National team was your favourite to play against, and why?
Jonny – Belgium. Their style of ultimate is awesome and I felt I had my best game against them.
Gregor– I liked playing against the Germans. Despite everything that happened, they were great blokes who played tough but were nice lads off the pitch.
*Bonus question* for Gregor: How did it feel to get ‘disc-slapped’ in the game against Germany?
Gregor – It was definitely a shock. I just remember thinking ‘just stay calm’ and ‘don’t make the situation worse’.
For context > https://youtube.com/shorts/loTDGS_zlfw?si=CpaojOnvrN_oLRH7 | Credit: @Hogi1091
Do you have any advice for players wanting to take their game to the next level and are considering trialling for GBu24 in the future?
Jonny – Give it a bash. An amazing opportunity to travel and play high level sport. And possibly the easiest way to represent your country…
Gregor – Just go for it. You’ll not only improve your game, but have great fun too.
Who is your main influence right now in Scottish Ultimate, and why?
Jonny – Cameron Agnew. Honest bloke who is class at the sport but is keen to help in his spare time, gives a lot to the club and is knowledgeable on the local talent. Shout out to Sam Lord, too.
Gregor – Lewis Grimmer. But seriously, I admire Phil Webb. He just always wants the best for everyone and is constantly trying to grow the sport in Scotland. Great bloke!
What are your plans for the 2024 season?
Jonny – Alba
Gregor – Retired (Alba).

Gregor – top row, third from right
Jonny – bottom row, third from right
Next week, we’ll release our final installment covering the Mixed division! Stay tuned!
Tom Kiddle Photography – https://www.instagram.com/tomkiddlephotography_/
Photo album >> https://galleries.page.link/u9Rx5